I never thought I'd ever be referred to as an author...
Cover pages are very important for any book. However informative/interesting the content is, ONLY cover pages can help to give the best first impression, particularly front page. When the publisher asked me to share a few pics for the front cover, I was in a dilemma. As the name of the book title is 'Swimming Against the Tide' and I am a swimmer myself, I thought my pic while swimming might be a good choice. But I also love wheelchair basketball very much and was unable to decide between them. I looked at all the pictures I had but none of them looked promising.
Due to the pandemic and lockdown, I could not go outside and take new photos. Then I remembered that The Vibe Studios team took my pictures and videos for the short film ( https://youtu.be/ncA2UTB5dd4) on our wheelchair basketball along with Uber, NBA, and some other partners. I approached Mr Asad Abid and Mr Kedar Sonigra with a request to share some photos from their records. They accepted my request immediately and sent some nice photos. The photos were really great. My other friend Swarnalatha J , Swarga Foundation releases a calendar every year with persons with disabilities from different fields as models. For the year 2019, they requested me to be one of the models for the calendar and I accepted it ( https://youtu.be/mz0_BmcTtlY). Mr Anand Daga took some really good photos of me. When I requested him for those photos, he sent them within no time. Those pics are very beautiful.
I sent both my swimming and wheelchair basketball pics to my publisher SAGE Publications India They used both photos and provided me with different options for the cover pages. We could not decide which one to finalise. Finally, as the swimming pic is more apt for the title, we suggested having the wheelchair basketball pic on the back cover page as both the sports are like two eyes for me. The publisher accepted our request and provided the final output. We all liked them very much. Thanks a ton to the designing team at SAGE for their amazing work. It brought grandeur to my book
The next step was FOREWORD and endorsements …….
Watch this space for more on my journey...
Swimming against the tide - True Story of Para Swimmer Madhavi Latha Prathigudupu
By Madhavi Latha Prathigudupu
To get updates on the available platforms of this book, pl visit www.pmlatha.com
Proceeds from the royalty on this book would be used to fund our activities at YWTC
CHARITABLE TRUST (www.ywtc.org).
