Now being an 'Author', I am coming across different people responding in different ways after knowing of my book “Swimming Against The Tide”. While some appreciate my efforts to bring out my experiences in the form of a book, some go beyond appreciation and actually purchase the book. Among those who purchase my book, some of them are able to actually spare their time to read the book. Others despite the desire to read, are not able to find the time yet. Among those who read the book, some of them find time to share their feedback either orally or in writing.
But here is a person who didn’t stop with buying the book, reading it, and giving the feedback on the whole book but also provided me his stellar feedback chapter-wise. He is also strongly wishing and praying for an award for my book.
My heartfelt thanks to Colonel (Rtd) Isen Hover for sparing his precious time to read my book, to give detailed feedback, and for his kind blessings and best wishes! His precious feedback has given me the confidence to continue my writing in the future too.
It's my pleasure to share an excerpt from his detailed feedback with you all😍
