Last week left unforgettable memories for me with my talks at some prestigious forums😊
Week started with my participation as a panellist in a virtual global conference arranged by Purple Tuesday on 11th October. Our panel discussion was on the topic “Social Leadership in Disability: getting started with inclusion and accessibility” and it was moderated by CEO of Purple Tuesday Mike Adams . Representing our Standard Chartered Bank in that global conference was a proud moment for me and having conversation with Mike was an awesome experience. It was a great learning for me to listen the insightful speeches of other panellists.
I got another nice opportunity to speak on 12th October at National Human Resource Development (NHRD)-Avtar Certified Diversity Professional programme, a first-of-its-kind certification programme for professionals aspiring to build their careers in the space of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. One of the questions to me from the participants is – how did I get the confidence to share my views boldly? I told them that the foundation for my confidence was laid by my parents in my childhood itself by providing me the opportunity to share my views while taking crucial decisions related to our family.
And week ended with my talk on 15th October on the topic Mainstream societal acceptance of AT at Empower 2022, India’s foremost conference on creating Assistive Technology (AT) Solutions arranged by IITM Research Park along with other partners. I could meet my dear friend Prof Sujatha after a long time and first time I met Prof PVM Rao from IIT Delhi and Dr Akila Surendran in person. I could also meet Mr Dipendra Manocha , founder trustee of Saksham, who has been doing great work to empower persons with blindness. I met many other friends and dignitaries.
I visited all the stalls. It was a great experience to know about the new inventions. AT always gives me the confidence and hope that future will be more inclusive for persons with disabilities and elderly people. I could also attend the presentations made by students from different Engineering Colleges about the devices they designed. I had a great time there.
Baskaran Batamalai Lorraine Fagan Mohana M DV Narayanan MRICS MCR.w Devendra Bagree Nishah Govind Kumar (she/her/hers)
photography, videography and editing courtesy: Aakash Manokaran